The cut of a diamond determines its brilliance

The radiant cut diamond is widely admired for the amazing intensity of its fire. The average of 70 facets contributes to give a great factor 'wow!' - The impressive fire and flash for which the radiant cut diamond is famous. The degree of cut is a factor for determining the refraction of a brilliant. The refraction of light is perceived as the diamond's typical sparkle when viewing the stone. With perfect cut proportions, the light incident from above the panel is reflected by the individual facets of the diamond and then led upwards again in parallel. If the cut is too flat, the light is led down, if it is too steep, the light escapes sideways. A perfect degree of cut depends above all on the proportions of a diamond, i.e., its ratio of height to width, board size to the crown, crown to pavilion, number and angle of the facets, arrangement, and distribution of the facets and other special influencing factors. Therefore, we strongly recommend that yo...